Who We Service
Our clients in Maryland represent a diverse range of industries because our LED and Static Mobile Billboard Trucks have nearly-unlimited appeal.
With its expansive mountains and tourism focus, the Maryland panhandle offers the perfect backdrop for eye-catching out of home advertising. LED and Static Mobile Billboard Trucks are a highly effective way to build your business’ brand recall and advertise for events.
See Me Rolling has run campaigns for clients in many industries and geographies. We combine our knowledge of the area with proven strategies to drive the most impact for our clients.
Deep Creek Lake
Where We go
See Me Rolling's LED and Static Mobile Billboard Trucks park and drive across the East Coast. We collaborate with our clients to develop a custom location strategy rooted in meeting your target audience in the specific spaces and moments that make sense. We go where they are, when they are there, and deliver can’t miss messaging.
Cities, Suburbs, and Rural Areas
Targeted Neighborhoods or Districts
Traffic Heavy Main Streets & Bustling Shopping Centers